Workplace harassment is unfortunately an all too common phenomenon, but no one should suffer it in silence. It is crucial to know your rights and how to react to such a situation.

The definition of harassment at work

Harassment can take several forms, whether verbal, physical or psychological, and aims to denigrate or discredit the victim.

  1. Step 1: Document Incidents
    One of the most crucial steps is the systematic documentation of each incident.
  2. The Documentation Method
    Keep a detailed log of events, including dates, times, locations, people involved and any witnesses. Also document your feelings and consequences on your emotional or physical state.
  3. The Importance of Evidence
    Hard evidence, such as emails, messages, or even recordings, can greatly support your case.
  4. Step 2: Inform superiors
    It is essential to make the situation known to your managers.
  5. Who to tell?
    Contact your direct manager, human resources or any other authority provided for by your company policy.
  6. What to say during this discussion?
    Express your concerns clearly, present your evidence and request corrective action.
  7. Step 3: Meet Deadlines
    In most cases, there are legal deadlines for filing a complaint.
  8. Legal deadlines to be aware
    of Find out about the deadlines specific to your jurisdiction. Some may require that a complaint be filed within a specified time period after the last incident of harassment.
  9. The Importance of Prompt Action
    The quicker you act, the easier it will be to gather evidence and testimony.
  10. Step 4: Seek support from an employment lawyer
    When faced with a complex situation, it may be wise to consult a legal professional.
  11. How to choose the right lawyer?
    Look for a workplace harassment lawyer with a good reputation and positive reviews.


The Essential Contribution of the Lawyer

When you face the complexity of the process, the labour lawyer emerges as a valuable guide. Not only is he able to guide you in the steps to take, but he can also provide you with informed advice on the most judicious paths to take. Thanks to his expertise, he can also take on the role of your representative before your employer or even before the courts if necessary. This presence at your side constitutes a solid anchor in a potentially intimidating process.

Conclude with Confidence

Navigating the twists and turns of a workplace harassment complaint can seem like a journey fraught with pitfalls. However, remember that relevant information and adequate support are your invaluable allies in this process. By arming yourself with these elements, you put yourself in a strong position to defend your rights, preserve your well-being and restore tranquility in your professional environment. Ultimately, the courage to stand up for yourself against harassment is combined with the determination to build a respectful and equitable workplace for everyone.



  1. What are the different forms of harassment at work?
    They can be verbal, physical or psychological.
  2. Who should I contact first if I am a victim of harassment?
    First contact your direct manager or your company’s human resources department.
  3. Why is it essential to document every incident of harassment?
    Documentation serves as evidence and makes your case stronger when taking action.
  4. Is there a specific deadline for filing a workplace harassment complaint?
    Yes, each jurisdiction may have its own deadlines, so it is crucial to find out quickly.
  5. Do I really need to hire a lawyer?
    It is not required, but highly recommended, especially if the situation is complex or you feel intimidated by the process.